Yumi Tamura (田村由美), a veteran girl’s comic artist, has created many well-known comic series throughout her career. While her works like Basara, 7SEEDS, and “Do not say mystery” are widely popular, her “Cat Mix Fantasia Toraji (猫mix幻奇譚とらじ)” series is a hidden gem that deserves more attention. In this comic, Tamura creates a world where humans and mice are in an endless war, and animals can transform into human-like creatures called mixes. The main character, Pai Yang, sets out on a journey to find his son, Rio, who has been kidnapped by the mice. Toraji, a cat mix, was a pet of Rio and became his loyal companion.
The World of Cat Mix Fantasia Toraji
Tamura’s imagination shines in this comic, creating a unique world where humans, mixes, and sometimes mice coexist in a tense relationship. The concept of animals turning into mixes adds another layer of intrigue to the story. The readers are fascinated by the dynamics between the characters and the unpredictable plot twists.
The Heartwarming Friendship between Pai Yang and Toraji
Pai Yang, the brave, is a middle-aged hero who is determined to find his son. His journey would have been much more challenging without the help of Toraji. Toraji’s cute appearance and quirky personality add a delightful element to the comic. Their friendship is heartwarming, and readers cannot help but root for them.
The Art Style of Yumi Tamura
Tamura’s art style is unique, and readers either love it or hate it. She uses bold lines and shapes to create a dramatic effect. I think that in her early works, such as Basara, the visual effects were sometimes too overpowering and made the comic hard to follow. However, in more recent comics set in contemporary times or published recently, the direction has been kept simpler and easier to read. Above all, the animal-mix characters, including Toraji, that she draws are extremely cute and charming.
In conclusion, Cat Mix Fantasia Toraji is a comic series that deserves more attention. Tamura’s world-building and character development are superb, and her art style is unconventional yet captivating. Cat Mix Fantasia Toraji is the perfect choice if you are looking for a comic series that is heartwarming, imaginative, and unpredictable,.
I might have caught at least two foreshadowing hints that suggest that Trage might not just be Rio’s pet but also possess some of Rio’s memories, revealing a potential spoiler. Trage is depicted as frequently thinking thoughts such as “I wish Pai Yang were my dad” or “If only I could become human.” What exactly is Trage, and what is its true identity? I can’t wait to read the next volume and find out.